Masala Vegan

Plant based recipes inspired by spices and green living!


Vegan Christmas Fudge (Sugarfree, Glutenfree & Nutfree)

Glutenfree Nutfree Freezer Fudge

Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings everyone! Christmas Eve, summer school holidays, last minute frenzied holiday preparations, utter chaos! I do what every sane person should do, relax…. with some cocoa butter, coconut flour, stevia & dried cranberries to enjoy the holiday spirit. This 4 ingredient Fudge is ready in 10 minutes and another 30 minutes in the freezer. Oh, did I mention that it is gluten-free, nut free, sugar-free and full of coconut floury goodness?! 

Vegan Christmas Fudge

(Gluten-free, nut-free and sugar-free fudge that is ready to eat under 1 hour.)


  • Organic Cocoa Butter – 3/4 cup
  • Coconut Flour – 1/4 cup
  • Dried Cranberries – 2 tablespoons
  • Stevia Drops – 10 (I used vanilla flavoured)


  1. Gently melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler.
  2. Take off the heat and mix in the stevia drops.
  3. Fold the cranberries into the coconut flour.
  4. Add the coconut flour – cranberry mix to the cocoa butter.
  5. Line a 8″ tray with non stick paper and pour the fudge mixture.
  6. Freeze for 30 minutes and score the fudge into square or diamond shaped pieces.


I used unsweetened cranberries so, the 10 drops of stevia tasted right. If using sweetened fruit then, reduce the amount of stevia, as it tends to taste very sweet!




I am an enthusiastic plant based home cook and baker who delights in sharing my creations on unsuspecting non vegans, when they least expect it! When not recipe developing, testing or making, I'm found organising and/ or writing, the two other passions of my life ❤️


    1. Hi, depends on where you are located. I get them from my local health store and sometimes online. Hope that helps 😊

      1. Thanks Priya. I think the online option would be more suitable.

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