PawPaw Golden Smoothie
PawPaw or Papaya Carica is a nutritional superhero! The whole plant has different uses from the fruit to the leaves to the sap. Paw Paw has amazing moisturising properties. Initially grown for the fruit, Paw Paw is now used widely from latex production to the food industry. The Paw paw is nick named the “wonder fruit” for all its great properties. It is a nutritional storehouse and contains digestive enzymes. Paw paw contains lots of antioxidants, minerals, potassium and magnesium, Vitamin B and C, flavonoids and carotenoids accounting for the bright golden colour when ripe. This fruit is also believed to Β improve cardiovascular and stomach health and is a good source of fibre.
A tropical plant that originated in Mexico and Central America, PawPaw was brought into Australia in the late 1800s.
A unique enzyme in Pawpaw referred to as papain, has a positive effect on the digestive system. Its regular consumption, helps maintain healthy skin, treats constipation, and helps in proper digestion. Most beauty care professionals recommend pawpaw for skin care.
This golden Pawpaw smoothie combines the goodness of Pawpaw fruit, fresh turmeric and my 2 Ingredient Almond mylk.
We need,
2 cups PawPaw fruit, peeled and chopped
1 inch piece of Turmeric, scrubbed and sliced roughly
1/2 glass Almond Mylk (Use Rice Mylk or another plant base Mylk if preferred).
Crush turmeric root with the almond Mylk in a powerful blender at full power (I used my Boss blender).
Add pawpaw pieces and blend until silky smooth.
Enjoy fresh or, chilled! π
Ooh, we’ve never thought of combining pawpaw with turmeric. Must try this, it looks absolutely delicious!
Thank you π
wow sounds so good! perfect for the hot weather !
Thanks, was really refreshing π Hope you can try it out.
All the nutrients concentrated in a single fruit. Only with the photo can we taste its flavor.
Thank you π
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